Writing a 25k LOC Neovim plugin on your phone?

Writing a 25k LOC Neovim plugin on your phone?

Writing a 25k LOC Neovim plugin on your phone?

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Question, how do you write code?

Do you have the latest gen Apple Silicone Macbook Pro fully specced out? Do you have a beefy linux machine with a dedicated graphics card?

Do you have a mechanical keyboard? A special mouse?

turns out, you don't need any of that crap

25k Lines of code from a phone

There is a dev out there who developed a freaking 25K LOC plugin on his PHONE! The developer, OXY2DEV has been writing his plugin, markview "A highly-customizable & feature rich markdown previewer inside Neovim", entirely from his phone!

I'll tell you what, I'm sure there aren't many spelling mistakes.

And as if writing a plugin from his phone isn't impressive enough, the plugin looks incredible. Check it out here!

Anyways, get out there and write some code, nerds.

And if you want to start slinging code from your Android-based phone, check out Termux.